Monday, December 5, 2011

Top 10 Reasons I hate top ten lists

Sorry to say, there isn't going to be a list here...if you were wanting an actual list...suck it. 

After several years obtaining my "news" from the internet, I have decided that we need to kill the top ten list.  Obviously, this refers to all lists created to be faux news.  top 10 hotels, top 10 reasons to..., top 10 things to...., you get the idea.

If you like that sort of thing, you are a moron, accepting a list created by a random stranger, that may or may not have any real credentials when it comes to the topic at hand.  I'm sure you accept poll numbers as facts as well.  I, on the other hand, prefer to draw my own conclusions about what is the best, worst, smartest, happiest, etc.  Right now, I am reading Yahoo News(or so they call it) and have found 5 top ten lists, well, 4 top tens, and 1 top five.  In one news cycle, Yahoo has decided it knows more about what is the most important events of 2011, the 10 best gifts for you to buy your spouse, the best photos of the year, and the 10 best items to hang on your christmas tree, and of course, the 5 "best" movies of the year.  Now, this isnt a rant about Yahoo News, thats for another post.  Yahoo is not the only news aggregator that decides to amend its content with top tens, and I condemn all that do.

End Rant...for now

Come Get Some

My first blog post....Ever!  If you are here, you are probably wondering what this blog is all about.  Sorry to inform you, but its just another blog for a fool to rant foolishly on the internet, without any real reason other than I enjoy ranting, and the comments sections on other sites are not cutting it. 

I hold no positions on the topics I will be writing on, and am acting as the devils advocate in most cases.  I lean nor to the left nor right politically, I have no opinion on gay marriage, legalizing drugs, terrorism, religion, or any of the other various topics I will cover, however individual posts may lean in one direction or the other for no real reason. 

If you have any problems with my posts, you can feel free to send me a comment, email, or correspondence of any kind.  I will however completely ignore it, or more than likely find a way to bad mouth, ridicule, belittle, and overall beat you down verbally. 

Please consider subscribing to my me pay the bills so I dont have to lobby congress to let Monsanto develop human/cucumber hybrids to fight terrorism.

If you gain any useful knowledge from this blog, I assure you it was unintentional.